Generational Cookbook
Many families have handed down recipes through the generations. Usually though prized possessions they are not all that well cared for. The ink may be fading, the recipe may have food on the card, especially if you use them a lot. You may find some family members have recipes others don't. What an amazing gift to your family, to gather up all the family recipes and put them together in a beautiful hard bound book.
My Picky Family Favorites
Every week I try to make a menu for our family, we're trying to eat at home more. The problem is my husband is a picky eater. I usually look online for new recipes and try a couple new things each week, with our family favorites mixed in. Sometimes my new recipes are a hit, sometimes he doesn't like them at all. It would be great to have a cookbook of his favorite recipes. It would be even better to add the new "hits" in as the year goes on. After a years time I could have a whole book of recipes I know he's going to eat. What a time saver that would be.
Chicken Favorites
We eat a lot of chicken in my house. My husband is not a huge fan of chicken so I have to keep coming up with new and interesting (and tasty) ways to keep him eating chicken. It would be great to have a solely chicken cookbook, of recipes that our family likes and will eat. You could do this with any type of food, it certainly wouldn't have to be chicken. We also eat a lot of venision, it would be nice to have a wider range of recipes for that, and not have to look through a bunch of different books to find the one recipe I really like but can't remember which book it's in.
Seasonal Favorites
I definitely cook differently depending on the seasons. In summer it's lighter fare, and non cooked things when I can get away with it. Winter brings out the crockpot and warm hearty meals. Problem is I can never find my favorite winter recipes after 3 seasons of non use. A cookbook combining all my seasonal favorites would be fantastic.
As you can see creating your own cookbook has a lot of advantages. Recipes are so plentiful, and for those of us who love to cook, like me can have tons and tons of them around. Cookbooks made specifically for my tastes and recipes I know my family is going to like would be fantastic.