Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Product Launch

I never really imagined myself, when I started this whole internet marketing thing, as a product owner, but here I am with 3 products to my name and more on the way.

I have to say it's way more fun than I thought it would be. It's such a rush to have an idea and then create something out of nothing. After my first product launched I would think back and be like dang, 2 weeks ago this was just a conversation in instant messenger, and now here it is. Real and live. That was LearnItStepbyStep.com a membership site where we give squidoo marketing help. It's based on One Week Marketing by PotPieGirl.

Well actually that was my second product. My first was Keyword Research Revealed. That one took longer to put together and get the courage to launch. I did it on my own and so it was a little scarier, and it was my first product. It was certainly a confidence booster when I started getting rave reviews though. :)

Over the weekend we (my partner at LearnItStepbyStep.com, Andrea) launched a new product. It's basically a niche in a box. You get niche keywords, content to go with the keywords and even products to promote in your niche. It's a really great way to find niche ideas and get your niche websites done quickly.

It's so crazy how once you do one product more and more product ideas just come rushing forth. I'm loving my work from home business. It's taken me longer than I thought but I have finally reached a monthly income that beats what I was making at my J-O-B. The thing is it's pretty much residual too, so whether I take the day off to take Hanna to the zoo or if I sit and work all day I still get paid.

This is one vision that is coming to fruition. :) I love that.
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