I love Squidoo. It's a great place to get information and it's a great place to earn a little extra cash. IF you've never played over at squidoo you should check it out!
This month over at the 30 Day Marketing Experiment Blog we are delving in to how to make money at squidoo ~ how to build lenses and everything you ever wanted to know about squidoo.
I have put up a couple new lenses recently and continue to add to my little lens collection. Here's a couple of my new lenses.
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Compare Online Diet Plans
Here's some of my favorite all time lenses.
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Cloth Diaper Resource
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Here's one that brings in a fair amount of change each month.
How to add more friends at Myspace
As you can see you can come up with all kinds of things to talk about over at Squidoo. If you are interested in it, chances are someone else is too! You can easily monetize your lenses with certain "modules" like ebay, amazon and cafepress. The cool thing is you don't have to be an affiliate or do anything other than add that module to your lens to be able to get paid. Very cool, and it's a lot of fun.
OF course there are tons of advanced techniques you can learn to completely spiff up your lenses, and there are tons of ebooks and courses you can get about how to make money with Squidoo. I've bought a lot of them, and gotten some for free. The free ones tell you mostly how to set up a lens, going through each of the modules and that kind of information.
If you want to learn how to do some advanced stuff and market your lenses my favorite is Squidoo Queen, she definitely overdelivered.
Just one word of warning ~ Squidoo can quickly take your lens to number one over at google so if you are talking about stuff you don't want anyone else to know about ~ don't do it. ;) It is true Squidoo quickly ranks high in search results so you can quickly get a lot of traffic to your lens and if you have traffic and a good lens you can make some sales pretty easily.
If you haven't been there ~ check out Squidoo. If you have been there, go make a new lens. I'd love to see it. Leave me a comment, which will also be a nice backlink for your lens.
Until tomorrow,
Jackie Lee
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